Posts by Tag


The Beta Function

3 minute read

In Bayesian statistics, often the Beta function is used as the prior distribution for some unknown parameter in a Bernoulli experiment. In this post we compu...

Mathematics of the t-test

10 minute read

There are times when our sample size is too small for asymptotic results to be valid. We cannot simply use Slutsky’s theorem to replace the true variance wit...

Multidimensional Central Limit Theorem

5 minute read

Instead of just having a single random variable $X$, we may have an experiment for which we are recording several random variables, which we can consider as ...

Sample variance

1 minute read

Where does the mysterious $(n-1)$ factor come from when computing the unbiased sample variance?

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Vectorized Backprop: Coding it up

16 minute read

In a previous post, I walked through the maths of back-propagation (“backprop”). Here I will go through the implementation in Python (heavily based on Andrew...

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Setting up Jupyterhub on AWS

6 minute read

This guide will be about setting up the fiddly bits when deploying a Jupyter Hub to an AWS instance. It won’t go into explicit detail about absolutely every ...

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Data science

A/B Tests and Experiment Size

7 minute read

Let’s say you’re running an A/B test. Maybe you want to test how many conversions you will get if you change the design of the Signup page or the wording. Yo...

NLP Pipelines with NLTK

8 minute read

Often with Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications a pipeline is useful to take the raw text and process it and extract relevant features before input...

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Kelly Criterion

1 minute read

If we bet a fraction $f$ of our capital on each round, and a win resulted in a gain of $f\times b$, and a loss resulted in a loss of $f \times a$, then after...

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Kelly Criterion

1 minute read

If we bet a fraction $f$ of our capital on each round, and a win resulted in a gain of $f\times b$, and a loss resulted in a loss of $f \times a$, then after...

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Django database optimisation

3 minute read

The Django ORM makes interacting with the database a breeze, but without due care can also lead to poor performance.

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Django database optimisation

3 minute read

The Django ORM makes interacting with the database a breeze, but without due care can also lead to poor performance.

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Django database optimisation

3 minute read

The Django ORM makes interacting with the database a breeze, but without due care can also lead to poor performance.

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Deploying imgproxy with AWS Fargate

2 minute read

imgproxy is a fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images. The main principles of imgproxy are simplicity, speed, and securit...

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